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Patellar tendinitis

Liesa Fialkowske - April 17 2022

Pain in the knee - Is this patellar tendinitis?

Shave you ever heard of jumpers knee or patellar tendinitis? Jumpers knee gets its name because it is triggered primarily by violent and intense movements and therefore often occurs when jumping. Even if you're a runner and don't participate in a jumping sport, Jumpers Knee overuse injury can still affect you. We explain what a Jumpers Knee is and what you should look out for to avoid getting this injury.

Causes of the patellar tendinitis syndrome

Patellar tendon syndrome occurs when the patellar tendon is irritated by unusual or forceful pulling. You feel the pain at the front of the knee, at the lower tip of the patella. The first symptom is usually the so-called start-up pain. It is most noticeable after standing up or when climbing stairs. Later, there is a continuous pain, a swelling at the kneecap up to a pressure pain as well as a restriction of movement.

But why are runners often affected by the patellar tendinitis, they don't jump at all? Mostly the cause is a muscular imbalance, i.e. the anterior thigh muscle is too dominant for the counterpart - the posterior thigh muscle, which leads to an increased pull on the patellar tendon and as a result to an overload. 

 "The first symptom is usually the so-called start-up pain. It is most noticeable after standing up or when climbing stairs." 

In addition, incorrect running technique can be the cause of the overload. Have you ever heard the term sedentary running posture? We often see this in untrained runners, where runners drop too low into knee flexion with each stride, and the hip is also flexed - increasing the pressure on the knee and causing a jumper's knee. However, the most common reason for athletic overloads is too high a training volume or too rapid increases in volume.

Sedentary running posture. The lower the mobility, the greater the likelihood of suffering from plantar fasciitis. This is also a good starting point for therapy and prevention. Increasing flexibility and strength of the posterior chain is ideally suited for this - among other things, eccentric training of the calf muscles can be used.


You want to prevent Jumper's Knee? ...then you should increase the amount of training and the training intensity only gradually and plan regeneration phasesWarm up well before the sport and avoid training on hard surfaces. It is also important to wear good sports and running shoes with appropriate cushioning and a low drop. You should do strength training and stretch regularly.

You already have pain in the front of your knee?

 ...then you should pay attention to these points:
Relief: Patellar tendinitis improves with relief, which is why you should take a sufficiently long break.

Running analysis: Use the training break to do a professional running analysis. Here you will get tips on the right shoe, the right insole and tips on running technique

functional training: Train on your weaknesses - strengthen the posterior thigh muscles and increase the flexibility of your anterior thigh muscles.

Running break for plantar fasciitis
Running shoe optimisation for plantar fasciitis


You can avoid heel pain by paying attention to the following points and listening to your body: 

1. mobility - you should have good mobility in the ankle joint.

2. Training control - Your running training should not overload you and you should always ensure a balance between load and recovery.

3. Shoe and insole fitting - Your shoe and insole fitting should be adapted to your individual runner profile.

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Floating base view of RUNPRO medium profile insoles with white arch support, blue heel pad, orange met cushion, yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
View of pair of yellow medium profile RUNPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Top view of yellow colored RUNPRO medium profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Base view of RUNPRO medium profile insole pair with white arch support, blue heel pad, orange met cushion, yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
CURREX RUNPRO insole yellow, orange, white and blue base next to black box with red insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Woman runner taking a break from run while wearing CURREX RUNPRO running insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Woman holding up a pair of red low profile CURREX RUNPRO insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Floating top view of red colored RUNPRO low profile insoles with yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Floating base view of RUNPRO low profile insoles with white arch support, blue heel pad, orange met cushion, yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
View of pair of red low profile RUNPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Top view of red colored RUNPRO low profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Base view of RUNPRO low profile insole pair with white arch support, blue heel pad, orange met cushion, yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
CURREX RUNPRO insole yellow, orange, white and blue base next to black box with blue insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Woman runner taking a break from run while wearing CURREX RUNPRO running insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Man holding up a pair of blue high profile CURREX RUNPRO insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Floating top view of blue colored RUNPRO high profile insoles with yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Floating base view of RUNPRO high profile insoles with white arch support, blue heel pad, orange met cushion, yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
View of pair of blue high profile RUNPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Top view of blue colored RUNPRO high profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Base view of RUNPRO high profile insole pair with white arch support, blue heel pad, orange met cushion, yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high

CURREX® RUNPRO™ | Dynamic insoles for running

CURREX BIKEPRO insole with gray, red and black base next to black box with yellow insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
CURREX BIKEPRO insole with gray, red and black base next to black box with yellow insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Man cycling through hike trail on a summer day #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
CURREX BIKEPRO yellow medium profile insoles sitting against bicycle wheel, cycling shoes, helmet, and water bottle #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Floating top view of yellow colored BIKEPRO medium profile insoles with gray, red and black base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Floating base view of BIKEPRO medium profile insoles with black arch support, black heel pad, red forefoot cushioning pad, gray, red and black base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
View of pair of yellow medium profile BIKEPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Top view of yellow colored BIKEPRO medium profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
CURREX BIKEPRO insole with gray, red and black base next to black box with red insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Man cycling through hike trail on a summer day #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Black cycling shoes sitting against backpack with CURREX BIKEPRO red low profile insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Floating top view of red colored BIKEPRO low profile insoles with gray, red and black base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Floating base view of BIKEPRO low profile insoles with black arch support, black heel pad, red forefoot cushioning pad, gray, red and black base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
View of pair of red low profile BIKEPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Top view of red colored BIKEPRO low profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
CURREX BIKEPRO insole with gray, red and black base next to black box with blue insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Man cycling through hike trail on a summer day #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Woman holding blue high profile BIKEPRO insoles and black and white cycling shoe #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Floating top view of blue colored BIKEPRO high profile insoles with gray, red and black base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Floating base view of BIKEPRO high profile insoles with black arch support, black heel pad, red forefoot cushioning pad, gray, red and black base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
View of pair of blue high profile BIKEPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Top view of blue colored BIKEPRO high profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_high

CURREX® BIKEPRO™ | insoles for cycling shoes

CURREX HIKEPRO insole with white and black camo base next to tan box with yellow insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
CURREX HIKEPRO insole with white and black camo base next to tan box with yellow insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Woman taking a break from hiking to tie hiking shoe #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Woman placing yellow medium profile CURREX HIKEPRO insoles into hiking shoes while standing near mountain cliff #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Floating top view of yellow colored HIKEPRO medium profile insoles with white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Floating base view of HIKEPRO medium profile insoles with white arch support, gray heel pad, black forefoot cushioning pad, white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
View of pair of yellow medium profile HIKEPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Top view of yellow colored HIKEPRO medium profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Base view of HIKEPRO medium profile insole pair with white arch support, gray heel pad, black forefoot cushioning pad, white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
CURREX HIKEPRO insole with white and black camo base next to tan box with red insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Woman taking a break from hiking to tie hiking shoe #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
CURREX HIKEPRO red low profile insoles sitting next to hiking shoes and backpack near river #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Floating top view of red colored HIKEPRO low profile insoles with white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Floating base view of HIKEPRO low profile insoles with white arch support, gray heel pad, black forefoot cushioning pad, white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
View of pair of red low profile HIKEPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Top view of red colored HIKEPRO low profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Base view of HIKEPRO low profile insole pair with white arch support, gray heel pad, black forefoot cushioning pad, white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
CURREX HIKEPRO insole with white and black camo base next to tan box with blue insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Woman taking a break from hiking to tie hiking shoe #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Man outside placing CURREX HIKEPRO insoles into shoe before going on the hiking trail #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Floating top view of blue colored HIKEPRO high profile insoles with white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Base view of HIKEPRO high profile insole pair with white arch support, gray heel pad, black forefoot cushioning pad, white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Floating base view of HIKEPRO high profile insoles with white arch support, gray heel pad, black forefoot cushioning pad, white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
View of pair of blue high profile HIKEPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Top view of blue colored HIKEPRO high profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_high

CURREX® HIKEPRO™ | insoles for hiking

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